Blue collar comedians has taken a very horrid connotation in the last few years, with the inceptions of Jeff Foxworthy's hacky comedy tour comics. Safe, ignorant and family friendly. But what do you call a comic that's blue collar with actual wit, insight and viciousness. If words could kill, Kerry White would slaughter that popular idea of cutesy comedy, slicing it at the jugular and after the blood dried, those types of comedians would be wearing a shade of sanguine-splattered purple.
Unflinching, unapologetic, and uninterested in the status quo, Kerry White has made a name for himself as a no-holds-barred, NO-topic-is-taboo comedian. If you like your comedy fast paced, blindingly truthful, and right between the eyes, Kerry's show is dead on target. Think it's just show business hype? The cops have been called to seven of Kerry White's shows after some members of the audience (Klansmen, religious zealots, and prudish republicans to name a few) have taken offense to his material's subject matter and become...unruly. How many comedians have you seen perform who have actually had to have a police escort out of two cities after shows? Banned from several comedy clubs, Kerry is currently headlining his "Thought Criminals Comedy Tour" to packed houses in alternative venues around the country. Why? "My crowd is open of mind, and free of spirit. They're not going to comedy clubs."
Memphis has been blessed by the recent return of Kerry White to our mediocre city and our fair comedy scene. That doesn't mean you'll be seeing him any more, so if you get the chance go have your world be question and all the things you hold true scrutinized come out to one of his shows in town. Appropriately enough, Kerry will be performing with Matt Davis' Sinner's Ball - a comedy show for the never offended on April 27 at the P&H Cafe and will be headlining Skitz Comedy Club this August 29.
For more information about Kerry White and his fiendish escapades around the country, click on anyone of the links below. That of course, is if you can handle him... but there's only one way to find out!
Kerry White on MySpace.com
Kerry White on YouTube
Follow Kerry White on Twitter
Kerry White's Blog
Great post ... Kerry truly is the real deal.